7 Tips on Finding a Job in Saudi Arabia

Are you a job seeker looking for employment in Saudi Arabia? Or perhaps you are already in the Kingdom, searching for a new job when your current contract ends? Finding employment is not always an easy task, but by taking the right steps, you can land your dream job!

ALSO READ: How to Land a Healthcare Management Job in Saudi Arabia

Most companies in Saudi Arabia prefer to hire Saudi nationals or foreigners who are already in the country. Nonetheless, if you know someone there, or if you have applied through a reputable agency, then you stand a chance of getting your dream job in the Kingdom.

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Tips for Getting a Job in KSA

Whether you are inside or outside the country, we have put together the following tips that can help improve your chances of finding employment in Saudi Arabia:

#1 – Update and polish your curriculum vitae (CV).
Your CV is the first thing that any potential employer will see about you, so it’s important that it makes a good impression. Your CV has to be up-to-date, containing your job experience, training certifications, and educational background. It should also look clean, polished, and easy to read. Be sure to correct any spelling mistakes or errors!

#2 – Write a matching cover letter.
Your CV should be accompanied by a cover letter that introduces who you are, what job you are applying for, and why you think you’d be perfect for the job. It doesn’t have to be long, though it should contain enough information to make your potential employer interested.

#3 – Create and/or update your LinkedIn profile.
Many recruitment agencies in the Kingdom use LinkedIn to search for job candidates. Basically, it serves as your “online” CV, so you can simply transfer your information there. The great thing about LinkedIn is its job search function, plus the chance to connect with fellow job seekers and potential employers.

#4 – Use your network.
Speaking of connections, it always helps to reach out to people who could help you find employment. If you happen to have a friend or relative who is already working in Saudi Arabia, then you could ask them to inform you about new job openings and job fairs.

Getting a recommendation from a Saudi-based friend is also a good idea. Networks and relationships are often considered in Saudi Arabia, so if there is someone who can put in a good word for you — this could up your chances of getting hired!

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#5 – Contact a recruitment agency.
There many recruitment agencies in Saudi Arabia that usually “pool” potential candidates. Once you have submitted an application with them, they can help to find and “match” you with a job opportunity, based on your qualifications.

#6 – Prepare for the interview.
Before hiring new applicants, Saudi nationals like to get to know them better. Don’t be surprised if, during the interview, they engage you in small talk before asking more job-related questions. Take your time, relax, and answer questions truthfully and politely.

#7 – Don’t give up.
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, and try again,” as the old saying goes. This applies to finding employment in Saudi Arabia… or anywhere else, really! Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get chosen for a position. Just keep on trying, and eventually you’ll land a great job!

ALSO READ: Saudi Labor Law – Official Leaves & Vacations

By keeping these tips in mind, you’re on your way to getting a job in Saudi Arabia. Once you arrive here, of course, you will need to adapt to the Kingdom’s local culture and customs. And so, we recommend reading these do’s and don’ts in Saudi Arabia!