Saudi Arabia operates an efficient system of records of residents under the Ministry of Interior, where authorities can track offenses and violations committed against the law.
Of course, accumulating violations on your record most especially if you’re an expat could mean trouble for you in the long run. Therefore, it’s important that we always follow the law and settle our fines and violations as soon as we can. In this post, we will share the step-by-step process to check your traffic violations when in Saudi Arabia.

Guide to Paying Traffic Violations in Saudi Arabia
For starters, you first need to understand the law so that you can avoid committing any violations of these. But in case you fail to comply with the law, say, for example, traffic laws and have been charged with a fine for this, you need to pay it as soon as possible to avoid incurring any surcharge or late penalties because of it.
To check your traffic fines and violations committed under your iqama, you need to access the Ministry of Interior’s website and perform the following steps to pay a fine for traffic violations through Internet Banking:
Note: Paying for traffic fine violations in Saudi Arabia is more or less the same as every bank.
- Log in to your online banking account.
- Look for the “Payments” icon and click on the “SADAD” icon, where several options will appear.
- Click the “MOI Payments” option.
- A new window will pop up with several options. Select the “Traffic Violations” tab.
- Select “Payment” under the transaction type and “Query by Civilian ID” in the application ID.
- Enter your iqama number to associate the corresponding violation to be settled.
- To settle fines for different violations one by one, you can select “Query by Traffic Violations ID” under the Application type. However, if all your violations are related to you, then you can just follow step #5.
- Upon checking the violations (either through step #5 or #7), simply click “Confirm”. You might receive a confirmation code via your mobile number to confirm the payment transaction.
This method of settling fines in Saudi Arabia can also be used for paying parking fines in the country, well. Just make sure to check that the violation is on the list before you confirm your payment.
UPDATE: Regarding the settlement of fines, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has decided to stop all traffic services to drivers who fail to pay their fines within six months.
According to the update, motorists who pile up traffic fines of at least SAR 20,000 ($5,400) or who fail to pay their fines within a maximum period of 6 months will be given a one-month grace period to settle their debt to traffic authorities.
Meanwhile, those who fail to pay their fines after the end of the grace period will be referred to the court, will no longer be provided with traffic services.
The new update simply confirms how important it is to settle violations and fines committed in the Kingdom. This is a way to ensure that motorists are responsible enough to comply with the law, and is committed to upholding public safety and order, as well.
ALSO READ: Do’s and Don’ts in Saudi Arabia