10 Best Beaches in Saudi Arabia

10 Best Beaches in Saudi Arabia

There are plenty of places to visit in Saudi Arabia, including beaches. That’s right! There may be dune-filled deserts in the Kingdom, but there are gorgeous, sandy beaches, too! COMING SOON: Travel from Riyadh to Jeddah in …


17 Places to Visit in Saudi Arabia

Places to Visit in Saudi Arabia

If you are a first-time visitor to Saudi Arabia looking for different places to visit, then you’ve come to the right place! In today’s article, we have put together some of the most popular and breathtaking spots in …


7 Tips on Finding a Job in Saudi Arabia

Tips on Finding a Job in Saudi Arabia 3

Are you a job seeker looking for employment in Saudi Arabia? Or perhaps you are already in the Kingdom, searching for a new job when your current contract ends? Finding employment is not always an easy …


Do’s and Don’ts in Saudi Arabia

Do's and Don'ts in Saudi Arabia

For several decades now, millions of expats, including overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), have been flocking to Saudi Arabia due its thriving oil industry and job opportunities. As foreigners, they have learned to adapt to the …