Deep Cleaning: What to Know about and Why You Need One

In Saudi Arabia, keeping one’s home clean and organized is paramount for maintaining a healthy and enjoyable living environment. Amidst the demands of daily life, however, it can become challenging to consistently uphold cleanliness standards. Fortunately, there is a valuable solution that homeowners can employ to rejuvenate their living spaces and ensure a thorough level of cleanliness: deep cleaning.

Deep cleaning goes beyond routine maintenance tasks and delves into hidden nooks and crannies, tackling accumulated dirt, grime, and allergens that regular cleaning might overlook. By understanding the significance of deep cleaning and incorporating it into their cleaning routines, residents in Saudi Arabia can create a healthier and more inviting atmosphere within their homes.

Deep Cleaning: What to Know about and Why You Need One

Regular cleaning tasks such as dusting, wiping down surfaces, and cleaning the floors are essential and should be performed at least once a week to maintain a clean living environment.

However, it is important to go beyond these routine tasks occasionally.

Every few months, it is advisable to embark on a comprehensive “house deep cleaning” journey, which entails tidying and disinfecting the entire home from top to bottom, especially nowadays when the threat of viral infections and community outbreaks is still a reality.

Why a Deep Clean Session is Necessary

1. Eliminating Hidden Dirt and Dust

Regular cleaning may effectively remove visible dirt and dust, but there are often areas that go unnoticed.

A deep clean session allows you to target those hidden spaces, such as behind furniture, inside cabinets, and under appliances.

By thoroughly cleaning these areas, you can eliminate accumulated dirt, dust, and allergens that can contribute to respiratory issues and allergies.

2. Restoring Hygiene and Freshness

Over time, surfaces, carpets, and upholstery can accumulate stains, odors, and bacteria that regular cleaning may not completely eliminate.

A deep clean session gives you the opportunity to restore hygiene and freshness to your home.

By using appropriate cleaning agents and techniques, you can remove stubborn stains, eliminate odors, and disinfect surfaces, leaving your living space feeling clean and rejuvenated.

3. Preventing Pest Infestations

Dust, crumbs, and other debris can attract unwanted pests like insects and rodents into your home.

Deep cleaning helps in reducing the potential for infestations by removing these attractive food sources and eliminating nesting grounds.

Pay particular attention to areas like the kitchen, pantry, and storage spaces, as these are common hotspots for pest activity.

4. Enhancing Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality plays a crucial role in our overall well-being.

A deep clean session significantly contributes to improving the air you breathe indoors.

By removing dust, pet dander, pollen, and other allergens, you can reduce the risk of respiratory issues and allergies.

Pay attention to areas such as curtains, rugs, air vents, and upholstery, as these can harbor pollutants and allergens.

5. Extending the Lifespan of Household Items

Regular cleaning helps maintain the condition of your household items, but a deep clean session takes it a step further.

By properly cleaning and caring for your furniture, appliances, and other belongings, you can extend their lifespan.

Deep cleaning methods, such as vacuuming upholstery, polishing wooden surfaces, and descaling appliances, help remove built-up grime and prevent deterioration over time.

What Regular Cleaning Entails

Tidying Up:

  • Begin by tidying up the various items scattered on the floor.
  • Pick up toys, shoes, clothes, and any other random items, and return them to their designated places.
  • This simple task helps create a clutter-free space and sets the stage for more thorough cleaning.

Cleaning the Floors:

  • Start by vacuuming the floors to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris.
  • Pay special attention to high-traffic areas and corners.
  • For hard floors, switch to mopping using a suitable cleaner or solution.
  • Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any cleaning products or equipment you use.

Dusting All Rooms:

  • Dust all surfaces in every room of your home, including the dining room, living room, bedrooms, and hallway.
  • Use a microfiber cloth or a duster to gently wipe down furniture, shelves, picture frames, and other surfaces.
  • Don’t forget to dust ceiling fans, blinds, and light fixtures as well.
  • This task helps eliminate allergens and keeps your home looking clean and polished.

Cleaning and Disinfecting the Kitchen Surfaces:

  • Focus on cleaning and disinfecting kitchen surfaces to maintain a sanitary cooking environment.
  • Wipe down countertops, stovetops, and kitchen islands using an appropriate cleaning solution.
  • Pay attention to areas that often accumulate grime, such as the backsplash and handles of appliances.
  • Clean cooking devices, like the oven and microwave, following their respective cleaning instructions.
  • Don’t forget to disinfect the sink, where bacteria can easily accumulate.

Cleaning the Bathrooms:

  • Clean and sanitize your bathrooms regularly to ensure cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Start by wiping down the sink, mirror, and countertops using a suitable cleaning agent.
  • Scrub and disinfect the bathtub, shower, and toilet, paying close attention to areas prone to mold and mildew.
  • Clean the showerhead and faucets, and don’t forget to mop the bathroom floor to remove any excess water or cleaning solution.

Making the Beds and Changing the Sheets:

  • Take a few moments to make the beds in each bedroom.
  • Smooth out the sheets, fluff the pillows, and tidy up the blankets or duvets.
  • Additionally, consider changing the sheets regularly to maintain cleanliness and freshness.
  • Launder and replace the sheets, pillowcases, and any other bedding items according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Taking out the Trash:

  • Emptying the trash regularly is an important task to prevent odors and maintain cleanliness.
  • Ideally, this should be done daily to ensure the garbage doesn’t accumulate.
  • Collect all trash bags from around the house and dispose of them in the appropriate bins or take them outside for pickup.

What a “Deep Clean” Looks Like

Move the Furniture and Clean it Underneath

  • Begin your deep cleaning session by moving furniture and cleaning underneath.
  • Dust, debris, and pet hair tend to accumulate in these hidden areas.
  • Use a broom, vacuum cleaner, or damp cloth to thoroughly clean the floors and baseboards.
  • Don’t forget to clean the legs and undersides of furniture pieces as well.

Vacuum the Couch and Clean the Upholstery

  • Your couch and other upholstered furniture items also need attention.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to remove loose dirt, crumbs, and pet hair.
  • Treat any stains or spills using appropriate upholstery cleaners.
  • Allow the fabric to dry thoroughly before placing the cushions back in their positions.

Clean Door Frames, Window Frames, and Ceiling Fans

  • Dust tends to accumulate on door frames, window frames, and ceiling fans.
  • Use a microfiber cloth or a damp cloth to wipe down these areas, removing dust and any grime that may have built up over time.
  • For ceiling fans, use a ladder or an extendable duster to reach the blades and clean them thoroughly.

Clean Drawers and Cabinets

  • Take the opportunity to declutter your drawers and cabinets during your deep cleaning session.
  • Remove items you no longer need, organizing them, or discarding them as necessary.
  • Wipe down the interior surfaces of the drawers and cabinets using a mild cleaning solution.
  • This step will help maintain an organized and clutter-free space.

Remove Dust from Individual Decorations

  • Individual decorations, such as figurines, vases, and picture frames, tend to collect dust.
  • Take the time to remove these items and give them a thorough dusting.
  • Use a microfiber cloth or a soft brush to gently remove dust from all surfaces.
  • For delicate items, consider using compressed air or a soft bristle brush.

Kitchen Deep Clean

  • In the kitchen, focus on cleaning appliances thoroughly.
  • Clean the inside of the oven, microwave, dishwasher, and fridge, removing any spills, stains, or lingering odors.
  • Follow manufacturer instructions or use appropriate cleaning products for each appliance.
  • Wipe down the exterior surfaces as well.

Bathroom Deep Clean

  • In the bathroom, scrub all surfaces including countertops, sinks, toilets, and showers.
  • Pay attention to individual items like toothbrush holders, soap dispensers, and towel racks.
  • Use a disinfectant cleaner to ensure proper sanitation.
  • Don’t forget to clean the mirrors and windows in the bathroom as well.

How to Perform a Deep Clean at Home

Interested in performing a deep clean by yourself, but not sure how to start? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can perform a DIY deep clean.

Step 1: Plan and Prepare

  • Set aside dedicated time for your deep clean session.
  • Depending on the size of your home, it may take several hours or even a full day.
  • Make a checklist of the areas you want to tackle, including specific tasks for each room.
  • Gather all the necessary cleaning supplies, such as microfiber cloths, cleaning solutions, a vacuum cleaner, a mop, a bucket, scrub brushes, and gloves.

Step 2: Declutter and Organize

  • Before you begin cleaning, declutter and organize each room.
  • Remove any unnecessary items, sort through belongings, and put things back in their designated places.
  • This step will not only make cleaning more efficient but also create a sense of order and spaciousness in your home.

Step 3: Start from the Top

  • Begin your deep clean from the highest points in each room.
  • Dust and clean ceiling fans, light fixtures, and air vents.
  • Use a long-handled duster or microfiber cloth to reach high areas.
  • Wipe down walls, paying attention to corners, baseboards, and switch plates.
  • Remove any scuff marks with a gentle cleaning solution.

Step 4: Tackle Furniture and Upholstery

  • Remove cushions and vacuum furniture thoroughly.
  • Use an appropriate cleaner for any stains or spills on upholstery.
  • Polish wooden furniture, ensuring to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any specific cleaning products or techniques.

Step 5: Clean Windows and Treatments

  • Clean windows inside and out using a window cleaner or a solution of water and vinegar.
  • Wipe down windowsills and frames as well.
  • Don’t forget to clean blinds, curtains, or shades.
  • Vacuum or dust blinds, and launder or dry clean curtains and drapes according to their care instructions.

Step 6: Deep Clean Carpets and Floors

  • Vacuum carpets and rugs thoroughly to remove loose dirt and debris. Consider using a carpet cleaner for deep stains or hiring a professional service for heavily soiled carpets.
  • For hard floors, sweep or vacuum first, then mop with a suitable cleaner or solution.
  • Pay attention to corners, grout lines, and difficult-to-reach areas.

Step 7: Refresh Kitchen and Bathroom

  • Clean kitchen appliances inside and out, including the oven, refrigerator, microwave, and dishwasher.
  • Wipe down countertops, cabinets, and backsplashes.
  • Scrub sinks, faucets, and showerheads using appropriate cleaning products.
  • Clean and disinfect toilets, showers, and tubs.
  • Don’t forget to clean out and organize the pantry and bathroom cabinets, disposing of expired or unused items.

Step 8: Don’t Neglect Miscellaneous Areas

  • Clean light switches, doorknobs, and other frequently touched surfaces with a disinfectant cleaner.
  • Launder or dry clean bedding, pillows, and cushion covers.
  • Vacuum and flip mattresses if needed.
  • Clean and organize closets, including sorting through clothes, shoes, and accessories.

Performing a deep clean at home requires planning, preparation, and a systematic approach. By following these steps, you can effectively tackle each area and achieve a thorough and revitalizing clean.

Remember to take breaks, stay hydrated, and enjoy the satisfying results of your efforts. Regular deep cleaning sessions will help maintain a healthy and welcoming home environment for you and your family.


In this video, you will discover helpful tips and tricks to deep clean their home quickly and easily.

Whether it’s tackling stubborn stains, organizing cluttered spaces, or maximizing cleaning efficiency, this video promises to provide valuable insights and practical advice.

If you’re looking to save time and effort while achieving a thorough deep clean, this is the perfect video for you.


In conclusion, deep cleaning plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy and enjoyable living environment for residents in Saudi Arabia.

By going beyond regular cleaning tasks and addressing hidden dirt and allergens, deep cleaning ensures a thorough level of cleanliness that enhances the overall well-being of individuals and their families.

By recognizing the significance of deep cleaning and incorporating it into their cleaning routines, homeowners can take proactive steps toward creating a cleaner, healthier, and more inviting atmosphere within their homes.

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