17 OFWS Arrested at Halloween Party in Riyadh

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has confirmed the arrest of several Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) during a raid at a Halloween party in Riyadh, GMA News reported.

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The DFA stated that 17 OFWS — all females — were arrested last Friday (October 26) at the Saudi capital. Authorities raided the party after neighbors complained of the loud noise.

OFWS Arrested at Halloween Party in Riyadh 3

Pinays Arrested in Raid at Halloween Party

Regarding the current location of the OFWs, the DFA cited the Philippine Embassy in Riyadh, which reported that the 17 Filipinas were being held at the Al Nisa Jail in the capital.

The DFA stated: “According to Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Adnan Alonto, Embassy officials have been requesting access to the detained Filipinas since their arrest was reported on Friday.”

The ambassador said that the OFWs were among a group of persons taken into custody by Saudi authorities. The charges that will be filed against them remain unclear; however, organizers of the party were charged for disturbing the neighborhood and holding an event without a permit.

Because of this incident, the DFA reminded all OFWs — especially those who are living and working in the Middle East — “to be mindful of local sensitivities.”

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Attending a party, such as Halloween festivities, may seem “harmless,” but let’s not forget that we are living in a different country, with its own set of laws, traditions, and cultural sensitivities. We should always be aware of the do’s and don’ts in the place where we are working in.