How to be an efficient civil engineer in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is a country holding a plethora of chances in its bosom. Chances to explore yourself, chances to grow in your career and chances to lead a professional life full of bliss and success. Yes, it is true indeed!


Talk about any developing sector globally and Saudi Arabia has a major role in supplying talent. However, of late, it has been observed that in addition to seamless talent, the country is a major base for global corporations working in different economic spheres. One such budding sector is the Saudi real estate. With projects flourishing in every corner of the country, being a civil engineer here is quite a lucrative career avenue. Building on similar lines, here are a few tips to stay efficient in your civil engineering job with any Saudi company.

Stay on Top of the Communication Game

Believe it or not, be it any decision you take, there has to be an efficient chain of communication for you to prove every bit of the technical assumptions made. Adding to the same, you also need to be swift in conveying your ideas to the senior management and all related clients. Tis coupled with the ability to take decisions in front of the officials from Saudi regime, would any day increase your visibility in the Saudi job market.

Employers here are quite specific about the same, hence are on active lookout for such candidates who hold the prowess to articulate work challenges and have the knack to design comprehensive set of solutions to them.

Staying Up-to-date in your Field

As known to all, a vast number of civil engineering and design codes are available to get a hang of every aspect in the field. This includes the codes that were previously in practice and the ones prevalent at present. Again, you must have noticed that Saudi bosses are quite particular about the prowess of an employee in his field of work. Make sure you are conversant with all important ones. For instance, some like AISC, ASCE-7, ACI-38 and NDS.

Having the Knowledge of all Costs Involved in a Project

You might only be a design engineer indulged in the designing part and that pertaining to getting the layout of the project done. However, working in Saudi Arabia, it’s quite significant for you to have the basic know-how of all kinds of rehabilitation expenses involved with a project. Also, ensure that the designs you come up with are in the right compliance with all material costs to come later in the scene.

Need of the hours is for you to understand every modicum of project planning and plan the whole process as per the availability of capital and labor.

Being a People’s Person

Well, you might not find the most accurate of relations between people skills and the prowess to be great at your civil engineering job, but the case is quite different in terms of Saudi projects. Nimbly handling issues while meeting different parties involved to getting budgets approved, there’s so much that efficient people skills can help you out with. You might not believe, but being politically savvy and building the right trust with all stakeholders in the project, is something that counts under impeccable management skills.

Seriously, being a civil engineer with a Saudi corporation isn’t that tough-a-task. Make sure you have all the basics nailed, and before you know there’re immense opportunities waiting for you in the Saudi construction and real estate sphere.

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clip_image004Author Bio: Anshuman Kukreti is a professional writer and a keen follower of the global job market. An engineer by qualification and an artist at heart, he writes on various topics related to employment across the Gulf. Reach him @ LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+.